Tuesday, 7 December 2010

School Select

I've taken out a page in the new School Select brochure for the North West
The electronic version is here.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Insect Sonnets

Insect Sonnets

Over the last two and a half years I've written 20 sonnets inspired by insects.

Just recently I sent a couple to Dr Dmitri Logunov at Manchester Museum and he asked me to contribute to his blog - here.

One of them, Gerris Lacustris inspired by the Common Pond Skater also won second place in the Cheshire Literature Prize. I'll not publish it here as they are publishing it in their anthology. If you'd like to see it let me know.

Another two are in a forthcoming edition of Manhattan Review. Again if you'd like to see them let me know.


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The New Term

The New Term

After a quiet summer, things have kicked off again. I'm busy working with the Centre for Urban Education, putting together a programme for Creative STEM.

This will include a project working with secondary school teachers and pupils scientists, creative writers and chefs exploring the issues behind the production and distribution of food and imagining the future of food.

We're also planning fun and challenging courses for teachers who want to explore teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects in creative and innovative ways. These will be hands-on courses, enabling participant to nourish their own creativity and reconnect with their own learning.

Things should be up and running quite soon, and I'll post information here - but if in the mean time you'd like more information or to sign up for e-mail updates please drop me a line.

Friday, 2 July 2010


Welcome to my webpage. Thanks for dropping by. You'll see more and more appear on these pages over the coming weeks.

Here's where I'll blog and share any news. You'll also find some pages sharing my writing and information about the projects I'm involved in and the services I offer.