Thursday, 26 May 2011


There are a number of projects I'm able to offer through the Centre for Urban Education

Future Food.
This is a project combining science, creative writing and cookery to explore issues around food sustainability, nutrition, aesthetics and ethics. The publication from Stockport School can be read here

The Science Faculty at MMU are keen on zombies at the moment. I'm off to a meeting this afternoon. If there are schools interested the Centre of Urban Education would be able to help you run a zombies project, leading to the Science Festival in October.

The NanoInfoBio team at MMU are also keen to work with schools. I'm still thinking through possible project ideas, but if you think it's something your learners will go for please do get in touch and we'll work up something together.

I'm working with Thingumajig Theatre to create an Aliens project, looking at the physical laws of our world and fictional other world, and how living things are adapted to them. Thingumajig do amazing work. Check them out here

STEM Adventure CPD
CUE will be working with the Science Learning Centre to offer a days course to teachers, developing their own creativity and devising creative teaching experiences for learners.

We've also applied to the Wellcome Trust for funding for a project using creative writing to interrogate ideas around genetics and identity. If succesful we'll be working with Nowgen. You can check them out here. Wish us luck!

If you want to find out more about any of these projects please do get in touch either with me on or the Centre for Urban Education at